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As a Murrup supporter, you are already committed to working towards a future where every single First Nations young person is free to build a future of their choice. 


By leaving a gift in your will, you will help create a legacy of lasting change. 

After looking after your loved ones, leaving a charitable gift (bequest), whether large or small, ensures that the legacy you leave behind is compassionate, meaningful and aligned with the values you carried through life.


This gift creates a ripple effect, powering change for generations to come, by enabling us to support First Nations young people and their families recognise the power of education and achieve their goals and dreams.


When you leave a gift with Murrup, we ensure that it’s efficiently spent where it is needed most — and will make the greatest impact. However, if there is a cause or program of ours that you particularly want to support, you can contact us on 03 9686 4813 or email to discuss your preferences. 


Every gift, large or small, will make a difference to the impact of our work.

Planning your legacy

YOUR LEGACY YOUR CHOICE Having a current will that ensures your financial assets go where you want them to, and eases the emotional and financial burden on your loved ones. If you choose to leave a gift in your will to Community Spirit Foundation, you will help support First Nations young people to reach their potential for generations to come.

WRITING YOUR WILL Your will can reflect what has been important to you in your lifetime. When preparing your will: - discuss your intentions with your family to ensure they understand that your bequest is meaningful to you - review your will regularly to make sure it is still valid so that your wishes can be fulfilled - let us know. By confirming your intentions, you allow us to plan for the long-term with a greater degree of certainty, ensuring that we can continue to empower Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people for generations to come. Also, we would like to keep you updated with our work, so you can see how your gift will support our impact. The information you provide will be treated in complete confidence.


Like any gift, your bequest to Murrup can be any amount or percentage of your estate you’re comfortable with. A bequest doesn’t impact your wealth during your lifetime and only takes effect when administering your estate. We have outlined below some of the ways you can leave a gift, however we recommend that you seek independent professional legal advice when finalising the wording in your will.


Alternatively, you can take advantage of our partnership with Gathered Here – a free online will-writing service.

RESIDUAL GIFT A residual gift allows you to provide for your family and friends first before leaving the remainder of your estate to Murrup. A residual gift is one of the most common ways to leave a charitable gift in your will. The value of a residual gift is determined after loved ones have been provided for and all expenses and claims have been paid. As your estate increases in value, so does your gift to the Community Spirit Foundation. Inflation should not then diminish the value of a residual gift.

Types of gifts

PERCENTAGE OF YOUR ESTATE Leaving a percentage of your estate (also known as a fractional amount) as a gift allows you to specify any amount between 1% to 100% that you would like Murrup to receive. By choosing to give a percentage of your estate, your gift should retain its value over time.

A PECUNIARY GIFT This is an opportunity for you to specify a specific amount of money to gift Murrup.

Please email or call 03 9686 4813 to let us know if you have left a gift in your Will, or if you would like more information. 


By confirming your intentions, you allow us to plan for the long-term with a greater degree of certainty, ensuring that we can continue to empower Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people for generations to come. 


The information you provide will be treated in complete confidence. 

Information for solicitors

If your lawyer needs our details for inclusion in your Will or you are a lawyer looking to include a gift in your client’s Will, our details are: 


Correct name and ABN to use for a Will: 
Community Spirit Foundation (Murrup)

ABN 59 623 241 565  


88 Jolimont Street, East Melbourne VIC 3002


Charity Tax concession status:
Community Spirit Foundation (Murrup)  is a Public Benevolent Institution endorsed to access the following tax concessions: 

GST Concession 

Income tax exemption 

FBT Exemption 

Community Spirit Foundation’s (Murrup's) ABN Lookup page can be accessed here


Suggested wording for a Will: 

“I give*____________________________________ to the Community Spirit Foundation (Murrup) (ABN 59 623 241 565) of 88 Jolimont Street, East Melbourne VIC 3002 for its general purposes. An authorised receipt from the Community Spirit Foundation (Murrup) will be a sufficient discharge for the executor(s) or trustee without seeing to the final distribution of the funds.” 
*Insert one of the following: 

·    the whole (or …%) of the residue of my estate 

·    the whole (or …%) of my estate 

·    the sum of $ (amount) 

·    (Details of a particular asset, such as shares or property.) 


Contact us for more information: 
Phone: 03 9686 4813 

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