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We are extremely grateful for the ongoing support of our partners, who contribute to us being able to deliver programs and services, that support First Nations children and young people to gain the skills and confidence they need to create the life of their dreams. 

Government partner

Proudly supported by the Australian Government

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Partners and supporters

ANZ Community Foundation

Ashby Utting Foundation


Bowden Marstan Foundation

Bright Moon Trust

Brotherhood of St Laurence

Callida Indigenous Consulting

FRANKiE4 Footwear

Global Infrastructure Partners

Harris Family

Julian Zahara Memorial Fund

Juno Laboratories


Lander & Rogers

Mazda Foundation

PMF Foundation

Princess Polly


Share the Dignity


UNICEF Australia

Vincent Fairfax Family Foundation


Thank you

To all our valued partners and supporters, from the bottom of our heart, we thank you for your support and being part of our journey. Your support enables our work to take shape. 

Become a supporter
Highly respected amongst First Nations partner communities and leaders
  • A highly reputable name and brand.

  • First Nations led, including 66%+ First Nations staff and a commitment to a 51% First Nations Board.

  • Small-medium-sized organisation with focus on maintaining personal touch.

  • Not overcrowded with corporate partners.

Geographic footprint of our work expands across Australia
  • 15 years of focused program delivery and impact. 

  • Diverse funding including Australian Government support.

  • Transparent governance and reporting of program outcomes.

Murrup is always looking to align with like-minded organisations to make a greater impact through mutually beneficial partnerships. We value our supporters in the highest regard and recognise that we couldn't continue our work without them.


If you're interested in discussing a potential partnership, please get in touch with us on 03 9686 4813 or email


To learn more about our work and partnership opportunities, download our prospectus.


Become a supporter

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Proudly supported by the Australian Government
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Murrup acknowledges and pays our respects to the past, present and emerging traditional custodians of the land on which we work and live.


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander users are advised that this website may contain images and voices of people who have died.

Child Safety Statement

Murrup has zero tolerance for child abuse.  Murrup is a child safe employer and is committed to the welfare of children and their protection.


Murrup has systems to protect children from abuse and will take all allegations and concerns very seriously and respond to them consistently, in line with our policies and procedures.

All potential employees and volunteers will be required to comply with Murrup’s Child Safe Policy and Code of Conduct. Murrup performs thorough assessments of potential and existing employees in accordance with the legislated Child Safe Standards. The assessments will be used to ascertain whether the potential or existing employee is a fit and proper person and is suitable for work in a school environment and in the position applied for or held.  The screening process includes, but is not limited to, Criminal Records Checks, Working with Children Checks and checks of social media accounts.






ABN: 59 623 241 565

Community Spirit Foundation (Murrup) is endorsed under the ATO provision of item 1

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