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We have co-designed our place-based programs to be holistic and support children and young people as they navigate their education journey and beyond across multiple domains:


  • in the home

  • in the neighbourhood and school environment

  • by navigating systems and services


This approach is based on the understanding that a young person’s experience of growing up, and how this shapes them, is based on interactions they have in a variety of settings. It is therefore important to provide positive and supportive influences in a proportionately appropriate way to all domains of a young person’s life and at key intersections of their developmental journey. 


And we do this with culture at our core. 


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Early years support

Focus on​

  • Supporting families through coaching and mentoring programs 

  • Connecting families with services and others with young children

  • Providing practical tools for learning and development


  • Confident parents with access to support and services

  • Happy, healthy, school-ready children

  • Parental engagement in a child’s development and education

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School engagement and retention

Focus on​

  • Community engagement and celebration events

  • In-home support for struggling families

  • In-school support, including buddying, mentoring and teaching assistance

  • Rewarding attendance, engagement and participation

  • Connecting children and young people with health services and regular health checks

  • Camps and excursions

  • Provision of practical resources that support school engagement and readiness (e.g. uniforms, stationery, shoes)


  • Children and young people and their families feel comfortable and confident in the school environment

  • Fewer young people leave school early

  • Attendance improves

  • Children and young people are screened for chronic health conditions, and their social and emotional health and wellbeing is better managed, leading to better health and learning outcomes

  • Young people experience life outside of community

  • Developmental and educational parity

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Strong transitions

Focus on​

  • Supporting young people to access tools that are needed for work and further study (e.g. identification documents and micro-credentials) and linking them with training and ongoing mentoring

  • Exposure to workplaces and industries

  • Supporting young people to settle and thrive in boarding school and studying away from home

  • Provision of practical resources that make transitions successful (e.g. uniforms, linen, toiletries etc)


  • Young people and their families feel prepared, confident and determined as they transition to boarding school, work or further study

  • More young people are employed or engaged in further education

  • Increased hope

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Neighbourhood support

Focus on​

  • After school and school holiday programs

  • Community events and youth work programs


  • Children and young people feel connected to others, have ample recreational options, and have access to support for issues affecting them

  • Issues such as hunger are addressed, and a consequent reduction in justice issues is achieved

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Community development

Focus on​

  • Community leadership and development programs 


  • Thriving, vibrant community

  • Emerging leaders are supported 

  • Children and young people are a voice of change

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Proudly supported by the Australian Government
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Murrup acknowledges and pays our respects to the past, present and emerging traditional custodians of the land on which we work and live.


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander users are advised that this website may contain images and voices of people who have died.

Child Safety Statement

Murrup has zero tolerance for child abuse.  Murrup is a child safe employer and is committed to the welfare of children and their protection.


Murrup has systems to protect children from abuse and will take all allegations and concerns very seriously and respond to them consistently, in line with our policies and procedures.

All potential employees and volunteers will be required to comply with Murrup’s Child Safe Policy and Code of Conduct. Murrup performs thorough assessments of potential and existing employees in accordance with the legislated Child Safe Standards. The assessments will be used to ascertain whether the potential or existing employee is a fit and proper person and is suitable for work in a school environment and in the position applied for or held.  The screening process includes, but is not limited to, Criminal Records Checks, Working with Children Checks and checks of social media accounts.






ABN: 59 623 241 565

Community Spirit Foundation (Murrup) is endorsed under the ATO provision of item 1

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